
At the heart of our group experience design is heart. We design for emotional resonance. For relationships to be nurtured. For people to be real and express emotions and perspectives in a safe space. For collective wisdom to rise. 

BITE SIZED Workshops

If you’re new to us, and prefer to start with something short, these two are much welcome by audiences in their ability to create deep impact in a short amount of time. We have other bite-sized sessions which can be put together. Book a call to share your needs. 

Two hours, in-person (in Singapore venue provided by client), up to 20 participants

This session powerfully brings across the importance of communication and collaboration, through a gamified experience using an award-winning toy. The toy is a learning innovation used with CEOs, human resource professionals,  educators and students. 

One CEO from Korea wrote:  “I became enlightened from the experience.” 

Sun Ho, Founder of Little Lives shared: 

“How can a toy help us in our work?” was what we were all wondering before we embarked on the training… And we came out enlightened, inspired and eager to take action on what we learnt!”  

We don’t promise enlightenment but we have seen people consistently have eye-opening moments. 🙂

Workplace Relevance: Sales, Customer Service, Leadership, Empathy, Diversity and Inclusion,  Communication and Collaboration which can be made relevant for various workplace contexts, including strengthening teams.

For a fuller-write up on this session, see here. 

Cost: SGD 2500 total (up to 20 people, paid by organisation)

Two hours, virtual (or in-person in Singapore, if preferred), interactive, up to 20 participants, Wednesday afternoons SGT is usual availability. 

This session features a sharing by pioneer in disability advocacy, Sherena Loh,  who was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and told she would not live beyond the age of 25.  She went on to impact many lives of people with disabilities over the decades, and founded a charity for people with muscular dystrophy. She is a recipient of the UBS Achievement Award for her advocacy and the author of “Shaped for a Purpose”. 

Inspirational talks leave people saying “That was inspiring”. We seek to do more than that for you. That’s why we enable you to ask her questions, and facilitate breakout groups where you will be guided to process relevant themes from her sharing in your life. 

Beyond inspiration, we hope you leave with your heart opened to new appreciation for your journey, new possibilities for yourself and your eyes opened to seeing differently abled people with a new lens. 

Employees of one organisation shared these as their takeaways: 

“…we need to be here for each other” 

We all have disabilities, we need to tap on our abilities to overcome them.” 

“Show empathy, not sympathy”

Workplace Relevance: Transforming Adversity into Higher Purpose, Going beyond Resilience, Diversity and Inclusion

This session may be facilitated by anyone on our team. 

How does this add value to your Diversion and Inclusion or Employee Wellbeing work? Learn more here. 

Cost: SGD 3200 (total for up to 20 people, paid for by organisation) 

READY-MADE Workshops

We can bring in-house the following programmes we run through external collaborators. 

Empathy at Work: Building An Empathic Organisational Culture (run online for Service Sector). 

In a high-tech age, this  programme supports your efforts to stand out by providing (internal or external) customer service with heart. It is relevant for leaders, managers as well as frontline staff. 

Contact us to learn more about the programme’s fit with your needs and we’ll connect you with SMU if you’re keen to proceed. 

We need a minimum of 10 confirmed participants in a class. 

More information can be found here. 

These are for social service organisations in Singapore.

  • Leadership as a New Path to Serve with Greater Impact (for new managers though all in leadership are welcome to attend)
  • Leading the Human Self for Greater Social Impact (for leaders at any level who want to lead from the inside-out)

Please contact us to learn more about the content, and we will connect you to NUS for rates and logistics. We need a minimum of 14 participants to run an in-house session. 

CIRCLES AND communities

The content in such sessions comes primarily from the participants. The focus is on the relationship, peer learning and support, and collective, ground-up wisdom.

We can create relevant circles within your organisation or community to support positive behaviours, culture change as well as meaningful peer sharing to advance causes. 

Some organisations also run networks or working groups.  With our professional design and facilitation skills, we can support such spaces to  nurture more connection and impact. 



We do customised design of other workshops, programmes and events such as retreats. Bespoke design is one of our strengths. 

Please book a call with us to share your needs for other workshops/sessions related to leadership, employee wellbeing, team relationships, and socio-emotional intelligence. 

For lasting results, we highly recommend that shorter experiences such as workshops are part of a longer, more meaningful, holistic journey we can design for you. 

Interested in our facilitation services?