You are given a magic star-seed with five powerful properties:
Be. Love. Serve. Grow. Play.
You plant this seed in your heart.
For the seed to grow, you shine your awareness on it, like the sun,
and tend to it by watering it.
The seed grows as you practise presence, love, service, growth and play,
daily, especially in the rich soil of supportive community.
It grows into a magical tree whose blossoms
– your presence, thoughts and actions –
glow with jewel-like radiance.
Your light ripples out and touches those around you
adding goodness and beauty to the world.
When you connect to the light of others,
everyone’s light becomes amplified.
This flourishing garden is your inner wealth.
When you feel this within you, you feel fuller
with more richness, peace, love and dynamic growth.
This fullness prevents you from grasping for what harms life
and instead, overflows to nurture collective wellbeing.
We all have this seed.
It is up to us to patiently
shine our inner sun,
and nurture it.

WHAT IS Inner Wealth?
Inner wealth emerges from a deeper, more meaningful connection with oneself, others and life for collective wellbeing and transformation through five pathways:
Be, Love, Serve, Grow, Play.
It is a life-giving form of wealth that nourishes individuals from the inside-out. And leads to more enlightened actions towards the wellbeing of all.
These are non-exhaustive pathways in cultivating inner wealth in the way we define it. This may evolve in time as we do. Wisdom teachers and researchers who study the good life have highlighted many of these for the longest time. Browse some of their discoveries here. They may seem basic. And yet if we all walked it consistently, we would be living in a different world with more peace, love, joy and wisdom. To see these pathways come alive, connect to our blog and spot where else you see them in our website.
Perhaps we could humbly ask ourselves: “How do my actions align with my knowledge? Who or what keeps me humble and growing? How does this seemingly basic, old knowledge speak to my life in fresh ways right now?”
We are open to…
be deeply present with ourselves, others and life. We strive to minimise distracted living, paying special attention to our relationships with technology, social media consumption and consumerism.
see and sense deeply. We witness the world with a clear lens, appreciative gaze and compassionate heart. We see that everything is connected. We see suffering in its various forms. We find beauty everywhere. We experience the richness of even simple encounters with our full senses.
seek truth. There are layers of truth and we aim to see what lies at the heart of things.
feel fully the full gamut of emotions, hovering around positive emotions such as gratitude, love and peace. At the same time, we cultivate the equanimity to be with grief, anger, and other uncomfortable emotions in healthy ways. We embrace emotions as precious, transient messengers and potential catalysts for our growth.
We are open to…
love unconditionally and radically, deepening and widening our circles of love for ourselves, people close to us, strangers, people who may have harmed us or others and marginalised groups usually left out of our circle of care (such as animals). We connect with “Love” as the mother of virtues such as compassion, kindness, forgiveness and appreciation. We experience Love as the most powerful, transformational force in the world. We facilitate its flow everywhere with humility.
nurture relationships in which we grow and live more virtuous, meaningful, loving, deep and joyful lives. Such relationships enable us to be of greater service. In these relationships, we are able to be and feel ourselves held in a safe yet courageous crucible for transformation.
enjoy deep, meaningful conversations. Talking about matters of depth; being deeply present with each other, listening generatively to not only words but energetic shifts and deeper currents; appreciating the other; asking open, honest questions that serve the other; being open, vulnerable and authentic; allowing silence to do its work; allowing laughter and tears to flow through the space easily – such things lead to conversations that nourish deeply.
We are open to…
serve to reduce suffering and add joy naturally using all of ourselves – our gifts, sacred wounds, story, healing, growth, humility and most authentic nature. We are a living stream of acts of services as we move through our world – all types, as moved by the heart, and tempered by discernment and wisdom. Our presence and way of connecting with others can itself be a service when it is life-giving. We are attentive to what’s within our sphere of influence, where we feel most called and where we become most alive. We grow our bandwidth for service and sphere of influence. And we grow through our service.
consume consciously. When we buy, we seek to do most good and least harm to people, planet and animals. Where possible, we buy from those who are kind, service-oriented and have integrity. We consume information that is truthful, builds wisdom and feeds our spirit.
We are open to…
go on an ongoing journey of learning and transforming ourselves towards greater love and wisdom. Humility is needed for this. We have an open, exploratory mind. We have an experimental mindset and learn with self-compassion and courage from failure and mistakes. We unlearn what doesn’t serve us anymore. We cultivate our inner teacher. Those who live by example are special role-models we treasure.
go on an ongoing journey to deeply heal ourselves for as humans, we are subject to wounds, traumas, limiting beliefs, ego-driven limitations etc. Humility, courage and self-awareness are needed for deep healing that gets to the roots of our challenges and reaches our darkest shadows.
become adept in alchemy, transforming whatever challenge life gives us into the gold of deeper healing, personal transformation and service that comes from even deeper love, awareness and wisdom.
face death with reverence for its ability to transform us, help us gain clarity on our priorities, deepen our love and service, and support us to live at the highest expression of ourselves.
cultivate contemplative practices to deepen our transformation.
We are open to…
relax into our playful spirit. This may emerge as humour, child-likeness, word-play and laughter.
find joy in using our creative power. We feel empowered to design our lives in harmony with the highest good.
express our uniqueness, our hearts and our seeing. We make that which has the signature of our soul.
Having seen the pathways, you may like to ask yourself:
What resonates deeply? When have I experienced its truth and power in my life?
What’s fresh and invites further exploration?
Where is my practice strong and where could it be stronger?
Who could be part of my journey to grow in inner wealth?
What does inner wealth mean to me?
See our resource page to learn more on these pathways.
Many are fascinated with billionaires.
We believe it is time for another kind of billionaire to become intrigued by – an inner billionaire who embodies inner wealth.
We use this term, “inner billionaire” purposefully, playfully and provocatively to get people thinking in fresh ways about wealth and aspirations.

While financial wellbeing is important, accumulating money, status and power with little care for the sanctity of life has caused untold suffering.
Rumi said: “The wound is the place where the light enters.”
We use the phrase “inner wealth” so the sharp edges related to wealth can soften and become part of our collective healing and transformation.

Financial Wealth & Billionaires
Inner Wealth & Inner Billionaires

*Anyone can be an inner billionaire, including financial billionaires. They are not mutually exclusive groups.
“Inner wealth” and “inner billionaire” come from our own observations of people who embody these values. While there is research on the power of living in alignment of such values, we believe in the power of pulling these five into one overarching concept and archetype.
Interested in stepping into your inner billionaire and leaving a legacy through it?
Check out “Inner Billionaire Legacy”.
Want to delve deeper into Inner Wealth?