Our Brand

For me, a brand is a signal we put out to the world that is as close to our core – our heart and soul – as possible which can then be picked up by those who resonate with or are drawn to it. The external elements just help to capture that for our eyes. I am drawn to external beauty that reflects inner beauty, one’s deepest values, meaning and aspirations so there is authenticity and congruence between what is internal and external.

Our Logo

The “i” is small to invite us to have a quiet ego (see below). Together with the connected “WE”, it encourages us to move from “me” to “we”. Inner wealth is about collective wellbeing and transformation in which we strive to care for others and not just ourselves. 

  • In the chapter, “The Quiet Ego: Concept, Measurement and Wellbeing” (2017), in “The Happy Mind”, Heidi Wayment and Jack Bauer write: 

“When a person’s ego is quiet, that person is motivated and able (1) to take others’ perspectives, (2) to identify with others who are not just like oneself, (3) to attend to a situation without defensiveness, and (4) to view a situation as an opportunity for prosocial development….the transcendence of egotism involves the balancing of self-interest with concerns for others as well as the interpreting of one’s immediate situation within a context of development over time. 

In contrast, the noisy ego is characterized by excessive self-focus and height­ened sense of self-importance, often accompanied by a clamoring for attention, approval, or other such validations of one’s worth. A noisy ego can increase percep­tions of threat, exacerbate defensiveness, and create problems for the self and others over time (Wayment & Bauer, 2008).” 

  • The jewel-star flower in our logo is from the magical tree from the inner garden, an analogy we use to explain inner wealth. The petals represent the five pathways – be, love, serve, grow, play. It is an asymmetrical, imperfect, quirky flower.  Inner Wealth is about embracing wholeness rather than perfection. 
  • With financial wealth, we are asked to grow our returns and bank accounts. We remind people about growing the Light that radiates from within when they cultivate inner wealth. In a world with so much suffering, we each can be a source of goodness, even as we embrace our imperfect shadows. 


While we had the wonderful professionals at Arrova Coast create our logo and images, friends who cared about this work chipped in.

Here you see the top of a tomato a friend gave me during a magical dinner conversation, which affirmed my idea of a star-shaped flower.

And other friends gave other feedback on this sketch I did, which morphed into its current form.

And here you see another friend who was offering feedback on our inner garden image, which was born out of valuable feedback from someone else.

So when I look at what we have now, I feel the warmth of many hearts and hands.

our business-card

The reverse of our business-cards leaves recipients with a question to reflect on if they wish, based on the five pathways of Inner Wealth. We believe life-affirming contemplation on death is one way to nurture inner wealth. 

Our .global domain name

We welcome anyone anywhere interested in the idea of inner wealth. We’re able to remotely serve those from timezones which overlap with 8am to 6pm (Singapore time) and for just coaching, night slots are possible at times. We hope our writings and resources can serve anyone to better their own communities. We celebrate the unexpected global connections pivotal to our evolution. We were reborn as a result of a miraculous, global web of tragedy, serendipity, personal transformation, borderless friendship and community.


We are a signatory to the Mindful Business Charter and a partner of the Charter for Compassion.

The intention of the Mindful Business Charter is to “remove unnecessary sources of stress and promote better mental health and wellbeing in the workplace”. In our working relationships with clients, we raise this upfront and include this in our service agreements so that we can collectively care for each other’s wellbeing. Learn more here.

The Charter for Compassion aims to “support the emerging global movement of compassion to co-create transformation at all levels, by connecting, cultivating, and encouraging networks of compassionate action.” Learn more here.

Vadivu Govind